Georgian operation "Clean Field" - is not but the genocide against the Ossetians
On the night of August 7-8, 2008, the criminal regime of M.Saakashvili in defiance of the international law unleashed the aggression against the people of South Ossetia.
In the first minutes of the invasion, the Georgian troops delivered a rain of rockets and shells on the sleeping capital of the Republic, the city of Tskhinval. Civilian residents of the city and practically unarmed Russian peacekeepers got under fire of multiple rocket launch systems Grad, large-caliber howitzers and tanks. At the sunrise, Georgian attack aircraft joined the pre¬planned killing of the Ossetian people and Russian soldiers. They dropped internationally banned cluster bombs on the Ossetian towns and villages. It was the beginning of the third genocide against the Ossetian people in the history of "independent Georgia".
In the morning of August 8, when peaceful Tskhinval was already in ruins, assault detachments of the Georgian troops supported by tanks and artillery systems entered the city. The amok soldiery flushed with the smell of blood and success of the first hours killed everybody on the way. Georgian threw hand grenades into basements of the houses where old men, women and children tried to seek shelter. They fired over the sights from tanks and grenade-launchers at windows of residential buildings, hospitals and schools;
they smashed and rolled in the dust and dirt of Tskhinval streets the monuments to the victims of 1992 genocide by the tracks of their heavy combat vehicles...
The bloody massacre began also in Ossetian villages and checkpoints of the Russian peacekeepers. In the first hours of the aggression, ten residential settlements of South Ossetia were wiped off from the face of the earth. In Ossetian villages Georgian tankmen just for fun crashed women and children with tracks of their vehicles. "Elite" Georgian commandoes copying "the deeds" of fascist SS troops burnt the Ossetian people alive in their houses and sheds, and so-called Georgian "peacekeepers" killed wounded Russian soldiers forgetting about the honor and dignity.
Dozens of thousands of refugees tried to escape from South Ossetia under bombardment and shelling. The way to the life-saving Roki Tunnel became a real road of death for them. Getting the range to the only road running towards the Russian border, Georgian guns accurately fired at convoys of refugees. Georgians had no mercy upon anybody, in cold blood they fired at civil buses, ambulances and private cars and trucks.
But Tskhinval resisted... In a basement of the city hospital Ossetian surgeons in incredible conditions saved lives of wounded people. Outmanned and outgunned the Russian peacekeepers surrounded in the outskirts of the city fought on bravery to repel the attacks of the aggressor. Without electricity, water and food under the massed intense fire the peaceful people continued their unequal fight. Face to face with the ruthless and guileful enemy they have held out and defended their right to freedom and independence.
What a high price of this victory! The Georgian gamble cost the lives of two thousand Ossetians and 74 Russian peacekeepers, several hundred people were wounded, more than 40,000 became refugees. Once the flourishing city of Tskhinval has been destroyed to smash, Ossetian villages have been ruined... These crimes of the Georgian soldiery and its Fuhrer are not forgettable and forgivable.
But the life goes on. The unbowed Ossetian people will overcome this hard time, restore the country, recover from the effects of the war, and children again will go to school. The music of D.Shostakovich and P.Chaikovski played on the ruins of Tskhinval by maestro Vatery Gergiev and Orchestra of the Mariinksy Theater became a bright symbol of the Ossetian revival and tragic monument to the killed.
This photo album is devoted to the heroic fights of the Ossetian people against the Georgian aggressor, memory of the fallen for the freedom of their Motherland, and act of bravery of the Russian peace¬keepers who have done fully their military duty.
We express gratitude to all residents of Tskhnval, Russian and foreign journalists who responded to our request and provided the documents on genocide against the Ossetian people, and war crimes of the Georgian regime.
Association of Independent Journalists of the Caucasus In Behalf of Victims of Genocide
2 Nov 2008
Deceased victims list
A complete list of all the victims of the conflict is not yet available as information is still being collected by South Ossetian authorities. The following are the names, dates of birth, causes of death and burial places of South Ossetian citizens so far confirmed killed in the fighting between the 7th and 12th of August 2008.
1. Abaeva Lejla (Zhuzhu) Paviovna. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in a courtyard between apartment blocks.
2. Abaeva Manana Georgievna, 1966 D. О. В. Fatally wounded by shelling. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
3. Abaeva Violetta
4. Adzhiev Vadim Rutenovich, 1981 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
5. Aguzarov Asian Feliksovich, born November 21, 1948.
6. Alborov Leonid Zarbegovich, 1965 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in Dmenis village.
7. Alborov Oleg Zaurovich, 1955 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
8. Alborov Otar Gerasimovich, 1940 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
9. Alborov Valter Oneginovich, 1974 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
10. Alborov Vladimir Gersanovich, 1948 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
11. Alborova Natela Zaurovna, 1956 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
12. Alborova Zalina Vladimirovna, 1963 D. О. В. Car hit by artillery fire. Buried in the courtyard of his apartment block.
13. Aliferenko Valentina Sergeevna, born 1926
14. Apaev Arsen Borisovich, 1964 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
15. Arsoev Sadul Severjanovich, 1950 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
16. Asaev Valery Arshakovich, 1955 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
17. Ataev Alan Muratovich, 1971 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
18. Attaeva Maya Muratovna
19. Babaev Omar Lentoevich, 1956 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
20. Bagaev Feliks Jasonovich, 1955 D. О. В. Killed by a tank shot. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
21. Bagaev Nodar Grigorevich, 1957 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
22. Bagaev Oleg Valikoevich, 1964 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
23. Bagaev Amiran Pavlovich, born 1975
24. Bagaeva Olesya Givievna, 1983 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
25. Bagaeva Svetlana Georgievna, 1975 D. О. В. Car hit by artillery fire. Buried in the courtyard of his apartment block.
26. Bagaeva Dzerassa Shalvovna
27. Bagaeva Madina Revazovna
28. Bakaev Valery Grigoryevich, born November 22, 1952
29. Basiladze Linana Konstantinovna, 1926 D. О. В. Killed by an explosive mine.
30. Basilidze Elena Konstantinovna, born 1926
31. Bazzaev Vasily Vladimirovich, 1947 D. О. В. Burned in his own house when it was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
32. Bazzaeva Zhenja Gavrilovna, 1940 D. О. В. Killed in shelling of Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
33. Bekoev
34. Bekoev Alan Tuzarovich, 1974 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
35. Besaev Alan Anatolevich, 1986 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
36. Besaev Aleksandr, 70 years old
37. Bestaev Aleksey Sergeevich, 1952 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
38. Bestaev AnzorSedirovich, 1963 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire in Hetagurovo village.
39. Bestaev Hazbi Dmitrievich, 1933 D. О. В. Killed when a tank shot his apartment building. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
40. Bestaev Nikolay Gavrilovich, 1939 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
41. Bestaev Pavel Grigorevich, 1964 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
42. Bestaev Pavel Vardanovich, 1949 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
43. Bestaev Samson Sosoevich, 1940 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
44. Bestaev Tengiz Nikolaevich, 1950 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
45. Bestaev Ushang Mihajlovich, 1954 D. О. В. Killed when a car was shelled. Buried outside his house.
46. Bestaev Valery Sergeevich, 1970 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
47. Bestaev Vasily Gavrilovich, 1955 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
48. Bestaev Garik Arshakovich, born June 30, 1963
49. Bestaeva Anna Antonovna, 1941 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
50. Bestaeva Maria Georgievna, 1941 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
51. Beteev Auzbi Borisovioh, 1972 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
52. Beteev Genady Borisovich, 1967 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
53. Beteev Inal Aleksandrovich, 1955 D. О. В. Died from wounds sustained during artillery bombardment of Tskhinval. Buried in Tbet.
54. Beteev Ivan llyich, 1956 D. O. B. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
55. Bibilov Alan Georgievich, 1960 D. О. В. Killed in the conflict. Buried in Bibyltykau village.
56. Bibilova Neli Alekseevna, 1938 D. О. В. Car hit by artillery fire. Buried in the courtyard of his apartment block.
57. Bichenov Gaioz Ibragimovich, born October 31, 1982
58. Bigulaev Viktor I., 1952 D. O. B. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
59. Bigulaev Zaurbeg Davidovich, 1955 D. О. В. Hit by shelling in Tbet village.
60. Bikoev Anatolij Dmitrievich, 1952 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
61. Bikoev Efim Sergeevich, 1938 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
62. Bikoeva Liana Romanovna, 1957 D. О. В. Car hit by artillery fire. Buried in the courtyard of his apartment block.
63. Bitarov Uruzmag, 1950 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
64. Bitiev Kazbek Borisovich, 1955 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in the village of Kornis.
65. Bjazrov Ludwig Hazbievich, 1970 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
66. Bogieva Lida, born 1982
67. Bolataeva Zemfira Aleksandrovna, 1941 D. О. В. Fatally wounded by shelling. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
68. Bolotaev Oleg Filippovich, 1957 D. О. В. Killed by a Georgian sniper during evaouation on Zarskaya road.
69. Bosikov Guram H. , 1953 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
70. Cahilov Asian Vladimirovich, 1960 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
71. Chandieva Valentina Sergeevna, 1976 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
72. Chekhoev Abesalom В., 1967 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
73. Chekhoev Vladimir Vardanovich, 1960 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
74. Chertkoev Inal Nikolaevich, 1957 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
75. Chibirov Vilen Valikoevich, 1975, D. О. В. Killed in the conflict. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
76. Chovrebov Alan Dmitrievich, 1987 D. О. В. Killed by a tank shot. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
77. Chovrebov Aleksey Viadimirovich, 1980 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
78. Chovrebov Asian Jurevich, 13. 01. 1985 D. О. В. Died during active
79. Chovrebov Guram Ivanovich, 1948 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
80. Chovrebov Hazbi Shalvovich, 1955 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
81. Chovrebov Sevastjan V. , 1937 D. О. В. Hit by shelling in Tbet village.
82. Chovrebov Vladimir Inalovich, 1956 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
83. Chovrebova Malvina Borisovna, 1960 D. О. В. Pregnant. Died of a Georgian shell explosion. Buried in a garden.
84. Chovrebova Valya, 1940 D. О. В. Car hit by artillery fire. Buried in the courtyard of his apartment block.
85. Cibirov Jemzar Rezoevich, 1967 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in Dmenis village.
86. Doguzov Guram Konstantinovich, 1945 D. О. В. Killed by a Georgian sniper during evacuation on Zarskaya road.
87. Doguzov Leonid Nikolaevich. Died during artillery strike on Satikar village.
88. Doguzova Lida Bagratovna, 1934 D. О. В. Died during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
89. Dryaev, Murad Khasanovich, born 1978
90. Dudaev Alan Andreevich, 1962 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in Dmenis village.
91. Dudaev Slavik Kazbekovich. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
92. Dudaeva Liana llyinichna, born August 14, 1970
93. Dudaeva Zhanna
94. Dzagoev Nodar Grigorevich, 1959 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
95. Dzahov Valery Borisovich, 1987 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper during the conflict. Buried in Tbet village.
96. Dzasohov Vladimir Dzandorovich, 1950 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
97. Dzebisov Vladimir llyich, 1950 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
98. Dzeranov Auzbi Zaharevich, 1940 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
99. Dzhabiev Albert Vasilevich, 1976 D. О. В. Killed in the conflict. Buried in Rustau village.
100. Dzhabiev Hamlet Georgievich, 1974 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
101. Dzhabiev Shaliko Gabaevich, 1957 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in the village of Kornis.
102. Dzhabiev Vladimir losifovich, 1953 D. О. В. Killed by a tank shot. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
103. Dzhabieva Zemfira Chermenovna, 1952 D. O. B. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
104. Dzhagaev Dzhumber Parmenovich, 1953 D. O. B. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
105. Dzhagaev Radik Guramovich, 1983 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in the viliage of Kornis.
106. Dzhagaev Anisim Archilovich, born 1938
107. Dzhagaeva Liza Sandroevna, 1945 D. О. В. Fatally wounded by shelling. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
108. Dzhagaeva Zema Ivanovna
109. Dzhatieva Zalina H., 1958 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
110. Dzhidzhoev Mitya Amiranovich, 1954 D. О. В. Killed when a car was shelled. Buried outside his house.
111. Dzhidzhoev Ahsar Soslanovich
112. Dzhigkaeva Inga Sergeevna, 1966 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
113. Dzhigkaeva Kristina Ruslanovna, 1997 D. О. В. Killed when tank shell exploded. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
114. Dzhigkaeva Lidija Vasilevna, 1947 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
115. Dzhioev Aleksey Sergeevich, 1950 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
116. Dzhioev AlmuratAleksandrovich, 1976 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
117. Dzhioev Azamat Gamatovich, 1993 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
118. Dzhioev Botaz Davidovich, 1952 D. О. В. Killed by a tank shot. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
119. Dzhioev Genady Muratovich, 1948 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
120. Dzhioev Gergiej Alekseevich, 1943 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
121. Dzhioev Gocha Georgievich, 1965 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Dmenis village.
22. Dzhioev Jelbrus Semenovich, 1973 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
123. Dzhioev Konstantin Zaurovich, 1954 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
124. Dzhioev Maharbek Chakoevich, 1946 D. О. В. Killed by a tank shot. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
125. Dzhioev Malhaz Aleksandrovich, 1960 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
126. Dzhioev Mitya, 45 y/o. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in Itrapis village.
127. Dzhioev Muhar Sergeevich, 1950 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
128. Dzhioev Navroz Muhtarovich, 1953 D. О. В. Hit by shelling in Tbet village. Place of burial unknown.
129. Dzhioev Radion Zurabovich, 1984 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
130. Dzhioev Renat Gergievich, 1980 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
131. Dzhioev Totyrbeg Ivanovich, 1964 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
132. Dzhioev Asian llyich, born December 20, 1941
133. Dzhioev Azamat Sokratovich, 1984
134. Dzhioev Marat Ahsarovich, born August 10, 1982
135. Dzhioeva Palina Sh., 1955 D. О. В. Killed in shelling of Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
136. Dzhioeva Asyat Kazbekovna, born 1934
137. Dzhioeva Nastya Grigorievna, born July 27, 1927
138. Dzhussoev Asian Mairovich, 15 y/o. Burned alive in car when Georgians covered it in petrol and set it alight. Buried in Nagutni.
139. Dzhussoev Mair Zaurovich, 1971 D. О. В. Burned alive in car when Georgians covered it in petrol and set it alight. Buried in Nagutni.
140. Dzhussoeva Dina, 14 y/o. Burned alive in car when Georgians covered it in petrol and set it alight. Buried in Nagutni.
141. Dzigoev Alan Zurabovich, 1974 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
142. Dzigoev Albert Shotaevich, 1982 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
143. Dzoloev Nodar Nikolaevich, 1965 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
144. Elbakieva Dina, 2005 D. О. В. Killed during shelling of the city. Buried in Tbet village.
145. Gabaraev Fedor Georgievich, 1951 D. О. В. Killed when a car was shelled. Buried outside his house.
146. Gabaraev Genady Matveevich, 1951 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
147. Gabaraev Georgy Sokratovich, 1954 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
148. Gabaraev Vladimir Dmitrievich, 1972 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
149. Gabaraev, Ruslan Mikhailovich
150. Gabaraeva Lyubov Georgievna, 1930 D. О. В. Car hit by artillery fire. Buried in the courtyard of his apartment block.
151. Gabuev Amzor Sosikoevich, 1940 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
152. Gabuev Givi Mihajlovich, 1929 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
153. Gagiev Alik Pavlovich, 1976 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
154. Gagiev Givi Grigorevich, 1942 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
155. Gagiev Valery Vladimirovich, 1978 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
156. Gagieva Zarema Gajozovna, 1961 D. О. В. Car hit by artillery fire. Buried in the courtyard of his apartment block.
157. Gagloev Azamat Tajmurazovich, 18 y/o. Burned in car after it was shelled by Georgian troops. Buried in a garden.
158. Gagloev Hamlet G. , 1972 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
159. Gagloev Jedik Nikolaevich, 1954 D. О. В. Car hit by Georgian tank in Tbet village. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
160. Gagloev Murat Vasilevich, 1936 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
161. Gagloev Tajmuraz Antonovich, 1952 D. О. В. Burned in car after it was shelled by Georgian troops Buried in a garden.
162. Gagloev Atsamas Sergeevich, born 1968
163. Gagloev Ruslan Ivanovich, born May 12, 1971
164. Gagloeva Fatima Gavrilovna, 1948 D. О. В. Fatally wounded by shelling. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
165. Gagloeva Larisa Valikoevna, 1974 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
166. Gagloeva Tsitsino Vladimirovna, born February 21, 1960
167. Gagloshvili Kote
168. Galavanov Oleg llyich, born 1976
169. Gasseev Genady Nikolaevich, 1961 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
170. Gasseev Vitaly Nikolaevich, 1963 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
171. Gassiev Barsag Zaharovich, 1985 D. О. В. Killed by a tank shot. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
172. Gazaev Ibragim Hazbievich, 1990 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
173. Gazaev Valery M., 1957 D. О. В. Died during artillery strike on Satikar village.
174. Gazaev Yury Konstantinovich, 1957 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
175. Gaziev Artur, military unit 98311
176. Gazzaev Genady Borisovich, 1982 D. О. В. Died during the conflict. Buried in a garden.
177. Gazzaev Vladik Albertovich, 1972 D. О. В. Killed in the conflict. Buried in a garden.
178. Gazzaev Inal Pavlovich, born December 6,1980
179. Gigolaev Boris Nestorovich, 1937 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
180. Gigolaev Vadim Georgievich, 1963 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
181. Gobozov Merab Georgievich, 1960 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
182. Goginov Robert Tengizovich, 1955 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
183. Gojaev Vitaly Vasilevich, 1990 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
184. Goyaev Vassily Shalvovich, born 1931
185. Gubaev Vladimir Georgievich, 1956 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
186. Gubiev Jakov, 1930 D. О. В. Killed by Georgian sniper fire. Burled in courtyard of apartment block.
187. Gucaev Valery Tasolovich, 1949 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
188. Gugkaev Alan Alanovich, 1977 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
189. Gussalov Nikolay Vladimirovich, 1964 D. О. В. Killed in the conflict. Buried in a garden.
190. Gussalov Vasily Karamanovich, 1959 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
191. Guzitaev Zviad Nikolaevich,1974 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
192. Guzzitaev Rafik Moiseevich, 1957 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
193. Guzzitaev Tamerlan Jasonovich, 1968 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
194. Habalov Batyrbeg Vasilevich, 1941 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
195. Habalov Givi Vasilevich, 1961 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
196. Habalov Tajmuraz Soltanovich, 1960 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in Itrapis village.
197. Habalova Liana Romanovna, 1964, D. О. В. Hit by shrapnel from artillery sheil. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
198. Hachirova Manana A. , 1955 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
199. Haradzishvili Angelina Dmitrievna, 1974 D. O. B. Killed during sheiiing of the city. Buried in Tbet village.
200. Harebaty Zaur Vladimirovich, 1956 D. О. В. Kiiled during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
201. Harebov Botaz Zaurovich, 1957 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
202. Harebov Dmitry Dmitrievich, 1952 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
203. Harebov Tamazi Georgievich, 1965 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
204. Hatdziev Suliko Utievich. Died in artillery strike on Dmenis village.
205. Hubaev Amiran Vardenovich, 1937 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
206. Hubaev Givi Davidovich, 1962 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Dmenis village.
207. Hubaev Murat Arsenovich, 1963 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
208. Hubaev Valik Mihajlovich, 1950 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
209. Hubezhov Aleksandr Dmitrievich, 1952 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
210. Hubezhov Tajmuraz Sh, 1959 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
211. Hugaev Sergey Sikoevich, 1940 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
212. Hugaev Vasily Ivanovich, 1954 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire in Hetagurovo village.
213. Ikaev Valery Vladimirovich, 1958 D. О. В. Killed by a Georgian sniper during evacuation on Zarskaya road.
214. Ikoev Aleksandr Borisovich, born 1947
215. Ikoev, Zaur Sergeevich, born February 15, 1932
216. Ikoeva Roza Viktorovna, 1936 D. О. В. Killed during shelling of the city. Buried in Tbet village.
217. Ikoty Zahar (Aleksandr) Borisovich, 1947 D. O. B. Killed when a car was shelled. Buried outside his house.
218. Kabisov Slavik Sardionovich, 1970 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
219. Kabisov Vasily Sosoevich, 1936 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
220. Kabisov Alan Aslanovich
221. Kabisov Irbek Dzhambulovich, born 1968
222. Kabisov Tamaz Andreevich, born 1978
223. Kabisova Jelza Zelimhanovna, 1966 D. О. В. Killed by shelling in Hetagurovo village.
224. Kabulov Acamaz Tajmurazovich, 1988 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
225. Kabulov Alan Albogovich, 1959 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
226. Kabulov Givi Ivanovich, 1953 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
227. Kabulov Koba
228. Kabulov Zaur Nikolaevich, bom 1928(9)
229. Kabulova Dusya Luarsabovna, 1927 D. О. В. Fatally wounded by shelling. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
230. Kachlaev Ruslan
231. Kachlaeva Zarina, 16 y/o. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
232. Kachlaeva Madina Tengizovna, born October 20, 1986
233. Kachmazov Igor Jurevich, 1963 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
234. Kachmazov Vadim L. , 1970 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire in Hetagurovo village.
235. Kachmazova Diana, 67 y/o. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
236. Kachmazova Zaira, 64 y/o. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
237. Kadzhaev Soslan Kavkazovich, 1978 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
238. Kadzhaev Tajmuraz Fedorovich, 1964 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
239. Kadzhaev Vadim Vasilevich, 1966 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
240. Kadzhaev Zelim Zaurovich, 1965 D. О. В. Killed by a tank shot. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
241. Kadzhaeva Jelina Kazbekovna, 1986 D. О. В. Wounded while the city was shelled. Buried alive in her house. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
242. Kadzhaeva Liana Sergeevna, 1960 D. О. В. Burned. Car was hit by a Georgian tank shell in Tbet village. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
243. Kadzhaeva Diana Sergeevna, born 1955
244. Karkusov Feliks V., 1940 D. О. В. Hit by shelling in Tbet village.
245. Karkusova Frosya Semenovna, born 1929
246. Kasaeva Zina Mushkelovna, born February 2, 1937
247. Kaziev Mamuka Dzhimsherovich, born 1969
248. Kelehsaev Murzaba V., 1944 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
249. Kelehsaev Roland Vissarionovich, 1960 D. O. B. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
250. Kelehsaev Zahar Sardionovich, 1940 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
251. Kelekhsaeva Tasya Sobaevna, 1924 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
252. Kisiev Ibragim Felikosvich. Killed by artillery fire in Hetagurovo village.
253. Kisieva Dunja Iraklievna, 1940 D. О. В. Killed in shelling of Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
254. Kochiev Acamaz Anatolevich, 1978 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
255. Kochiev Jedik Sergeevich, 1961 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
256. Kochiev Murat Davidovich, 1959 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
257. Kochiev Pavel Grigorevich, 1949 D. О. В. Killed by a Georgian sniper during evacuation on Zarskaya road.
258. Kochieva Madina Chermenovna, 1963 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
259. Kodalaev Guram llyich, 1952 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
260. Kokoev Dzhemal Revazovich, 1955 D. О. В. Killed when a car was shelled. Buried outside his house.
261. Kokoev Leva Jashaevich, 1951 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
262. Koroeva Lamzira Zaurovna, 1968 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
263. Kotaev Soslan Sadulovich, 1948 D. О. В. Killed by a tank shot. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
264. Kotolov Soltan llyich, 1953 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
265. Kozaev Abe, 55 y/o. Died when house was struck by artillery. Buried in a garden.
266. Kozaev Alan Pavlovich, 1967 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
267. Kozaev Jelbrus (Muharbeg) Rutenovich, 1957 D. О. В. Hit by air strike on Tbet village. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
268. Kozaev Lev Aleksandrovich, 1987 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
269. Kozaev Shota Nikolaevich, 1951 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
270. Kozaev Suliko A. , 1940 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in Itrapis village.
271. Kozaev Valery Ivanovich, 1965 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
272. Kozaev Valery Ivanovich, 1965 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
273. Kozaev Zelim Tutievich, 1975 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
274. Kozaeva Maria, 76 y/o. Burned in home during shelling. Buried in a garden.
275. Kuduhov Ramazi I. , 1982 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
276. Kuduhov Vsevolod llyich, 1947 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Dmenis village.
277. Kuluhov Soslan Andreevich, 1946 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
278. Kulumbegov Georgy Anatolevich, 1976 D. О. В. Killed in the conflict. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
279. Kulumbegov Hsar Grigorevich, 1945 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
280. Kulumbegov Radik Georgievich, 1966 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
281. Kumaritov Lev Hristoforovich, 1962 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
282. Kumaritov Valery Kuzmich, 1953 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
283. Kumaritova Madina A. , 1938 D. О. В. Fatally wounded by shelling. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
284. Kumaritova Tamara Tuganovna, 1923 D. О. В. Hit by shrapne! from artillery shell. Buried in Tbet village.
285. Lalieva Irina Borisovna, 1966 D. О. В. Fatally wounded by shelling. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
286. Lalieva Laida M. , 1979 D. О. В. Fatally wounded by shelling. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
287. Lalieva Valentina Sergeevna, 1940 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper during evacuation on Zarskaya road.
288. Loloev Otar Garsevanovich. Died in artillery strike on Dmenis village.
289. Loloev Slavik Sulikoevich, 1954 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
290. Magkoeva Aza Pavlovna, 1949 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
291. Maldzigov Gija Viadimirovich. Killed by artillery fire in Hetagurovo village.
292. Maldzigov Sevastia Stepanovich, 1965 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
293. Maldzigova Evgenija Nikolaevna, 1927 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
294. Mamiev Amiran Nikolaevich, 1941 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire in Hetagurovo village.
295. Melitoljan D., 1966 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
296. Muldarov Gajoz Grigorevich, 1972 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
297. Muldarov Zelim Efimovich, 1964 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
298. Nanieva Nina Ivanovna, 1956 D. О. В. Hit by shrapnel from artillery shell. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
299. Nartikoev David Borisovich, 1980 D. О. В. Died while guarding an entrance to the city. Buried in Djava.
300. Ostaev Shalva Jeduardovich, 1973 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
301. Ostaev Tauret S., 1957 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in Itrapis village.
302. Parastaev Aleksandr Aronovich, 1958 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
303. Parastaev Lev Pavlovich, 1949 D. О. В. Killed when a car was shelled. Buried outside his house.
304. Petoev Albert S., 1943 D. O. B. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
305. Petoeva Ruzana Mihajlovna, 1916 D. О. В. Killed by shelling in Hetagurovo village.
306. Pliev Aleksandr Sergeevich, 1960 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
307. Pliev Tamaz Sulikoevich, 1965 D. О. В. South Ossetian OMON police officer. Died during active duty. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
308. Puhaty Jedik Grigorevich, 1953 D. О. В. Killed when a car was shelled. Buried outside his house.
309. Sabanov David Grigorevich, 1947 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
310. Sabanov Hamlet D., 1975 D. О. В. Killed by a tank shot. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
311. Sabanov Hvicha Mihajlovich,1961 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
312. Sabanov Vasily Fedorovich, 1955 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
313. Sanakoev Jelbrus Kazbekovich, 1962 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
314. Sanakoev Petja Efimovich, 1940 D. О. В. Killed by a Georgian sniper during evacuation on Zarskaya road.
315. Sanakoev Vladimir Kubadievich, 1956 D. О. В. Killed when a car was shelled. Buried outside his house.
316. Sanakoeva Aza Aleksandrovna, 1948 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
317. Shanazarova Albina Chorshanbievna, 14 y/o. Shot by a Georgian sniper during evacuation on Zarskaya road.
318. Siukaev Anatolij A. , 1958 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
319. Tadtaev Dmitry Vjacheslavovich, 1983 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
320. Tadtaev Georgy Pavlovich, 1986, D. О. В. Killed when a tank shot his apartment building. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
321. Tadtaev Robert Sergeevich, 1963 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
322. Tadtaev Ruslan Zaurovich, 1960 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire in Hetagurovo village.
323. Tadtaev Sergey Lvovich, 1972 D. О. В. Burned in own car after it was shot by a Georgian tank. Buried on grounds of School No. 5.
324. Tasoev Botaz Georgievich, 1946 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
325. Tebloev Chermen Petrovich, 1951 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
326. Tedeev Abe, 35 y/o. Killed during the conflict. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
327. Tedeev Anatolij Tengizovich, 1960 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
328. Tedeev David Albertovich, 1988 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
329. Tedeev Ibragim Gazanovaich, 1965 D. О. В. Killed in the conflict. Buried in Tbet village.
330. Tedeev Pavel Ivanovich, 1951 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
331. Tedeev Tolik Ivanovich, 1953 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
332. Tedeev Valerian Т., 1972 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
333. Tedeev Vasily Muhtarovich, 1956 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
334. Tedeev Vladimir Romanovich, 1948 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in the village of Kornis.
335. Tedeev Volodja Matveevich, 1958 D. О. В. Hit by air strike on Tbet village. Buried in Jerco village.
336. Tedeeva Tamara Borisovna, 1947 D. О. В. Car hit by artillery fire. Buried in the courtyard of his apartment block.
337. Tekhov Muharbeg Jakovlevich, 1977 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
338. Tekhov Vladimir Alekseevich, 1975 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
339. Tibilov Inal Revazovich, 1940 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
340. Tibilov Ivan Muratovich, 1941 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
341. Tibilov Murat Ivanovich, 1959 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
342. Tibilov Vitaly Dzhumberovich, 1987 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
343. Tibilova Zalina Nikolaevna, 1956 D. О. В. Burned. Car was hit by a Georgian tank shell in Tbet village. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
344. Tigiev Jeduard Kazbekovich, 1958 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
345. Tuaev Alan llyich, 1965 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
346. Tuaev Radion Vasilevich, 1987 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
347. Tuaev Vasily Sergeevich, 1964 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
348. Valiev Aleksandr A. , 1946 D. О. В. Killed by a Georgian sniper during evacuation on Zarskaya road.
349. Valiev Luarsab Garitaevich, 1954 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
350. Valiev Mihail Kuzmich, 1958 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
351. Valiev Ruslan Vladimirovich, 1955 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
352. Valiev Valery Pavlovich, 1961 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
353. Valiev Yury Vladimirovich, 1956 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
354. Valiev Miroslav Vladimirovich, born August 16, 1961
355. Valieva Madina Dzamboiatovna, 01. 01.1988 D. О. В. Died from Georgian sniper bullet. Body had been hidden. Found by 'Vostok' Battalion troops. Buried in Djava.
356. Valieva Irma Timurovna
357. Valieva Regina Tembolovna, born 1988
358. Vaneev Vassily Dmitrievich, born May 6, 1936
359. Vazagov Gajoz Davidovich, 1942 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Dmenis village.
360. Yelbakieva Nastya, born 1928
361. Zasokhova Maria Razhdenovna
362. Zasseev Anatoli] Filippovich, 1948 D. О. В. Hit by shelling in Tbet village. Place of burial unknown.
363. Zasseev Ruslan Grigorevich, 1956 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
364. Zasseeva Lyubov Savelievna, born 1930
1. Abaeva Lejla (Zhuzhu) Paviovna. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in a courtyard between apartment blocks.
2. Abaeva Manana Georgievna, 1966 D. О. В. Fatally wounded by shelling. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
3. Abaeva Violetta
4. Adzhiev Vadim Rutenovich, 1981 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
5. Aguzarov Asian Feliksovich, born November 21, 1948.
6. Alborov Leonid Zarbegovich, 1965 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in Dmenis village.
7. Alborov Oleg Zaurovich, 1955 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
8. Alborov Otar Gerasimovich, 1940 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
9. Alborov Valter Oneginovich, 1974 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
10. Alborov Vladimir Gersanovich, 1948 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
11. Alborova Natela Zaurovna, 1956 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
12. Alborova Zalina Vladimirovna, 1963 D. О. В. Car hit by artillery fire. Buried in the courtyard of his apartment block.
13. Aliferenko Valentina Sergeevna, born 1926
14. Apaev Arsen Borisovich, 1964 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
15. Arsoev Sadul Severjanovich, 1950 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
16. Asaev Valery Arshakovich, 1955 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
17. Ataev Alan Muratovich, 1971 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
18. Attaeva Maya Muratovna
19. Babaev Omar Lentoevich, 1956 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
20. Bagaev Feliks Jasonovich, 1955 D. О. В. Killed by a tank shot. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
21. Bagaev Nodar Grigorevich, 1957 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
22. Bagaev Oleg Valikoevich, 1964 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
23. Bagaev Amiran Pavlovich, born 1975
24. Bagaeva Olesya Givievna, 1983 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
25. Bagaeva Svetlana Georgievna, 1975 D. О. В. Car hit by artillery fire. Buried in the courtyard of his apartment block.
26. Bagaeva Dzerassa Shalvovna
27. Bagaeva Madina Revazovna
28. Bakaev Valery Grigoryevich, born November 22, 1952
29. Basiladze Linana Konstantinovna, 1926 D. О. В. Killed by an explosive mine.
30. Basilidze Elena Konstantinovna, born 1926
31. Bazzaev Vasily Vladimirovich, 1947 D. О. В. Burned in his own house when it was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
32. Bazzaeva Zhenja Gavrilovna, 1940 D. О. В. Killed in shelling of Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
33. Bekoev
34. Bekoev Alan Tuzarovich, 1974 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
35. Besaev Alan Anatolevich, 1986 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
36. Besaev Aleksandr, 70 years old
37. Bestaev Aleksey Sergeevich, 1952 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
38. Bestaev AnzorSedirovich, 1963 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire in Hetagurovo village.
39. Bestaev Hazbi Dmitrievich, 1933 D. О. В. Killed when a tank shot his apartment building. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
40. Bestaev Nikolay Gavrilovich, 1939 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
41. Bestaev Pavel Grigorevich, 1964 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
42. Bestaev Pavel Vardanovich, 1949 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
43. Bestaev Samson Sosoevich, 1940 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
44. Bestaev Tengiz Nikolaevich, 1950 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
45. Bestaev Ushang Mihajlovich, 1954 D. О. В. Killed when a car was shelled. Buried outside his house.
46. Bestaev Valery Sergeevich, 1970 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
47. Bestaev Vasily Gavrilovich, 1955 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
48. Bestaev Garik Arshakovich, born June 30, 1963
49. Bestaeva Anna Antonovna, 1941 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
50. Bestaeva Maria Georgievna, 1941 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
51. Beteev Auzbi Borisovioh, 1972 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
52. Beteev Genady Borisovich, 1967 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
53. Beteev Inal Aleksandrovich, 1955 D. О. В. Died from wounds sustained during artillery bombardment of Tskhinval. Buried in Tbet.
54. Beteev Ivan llyich, 1956 D. O. B. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
55. Bibilov Alan Georgievich, 1960 D. О. В. Killed in the conflict. Buried in Bibyltykau village.
56. Bibilova Neli Alekseevna, 1938 D. О. В. Car hit by artillery fire. Buried in the courtyard of his apartment block.
57. Bichenov Gaioz Ibragimovich, born October 31, 1982
58. Bigulaev Viktor I., 1952 D. O. B. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
59. Bigulaev Zaurbeg Davidovich, 1955 D. О. В. Hit by shelling in Tbet village.
60. Bikoev Anatolij Dmitrievich, 1952 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
61. Bikoev Efim Sergeevich, 1938 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
62. Bikoeva Liana Romanovna, 1957 D. О. В. Car hit by artillery fire. Buried in the courtyard of his apartment block.
63. Bitarov Uruzmag, 1950 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
64. Bitiev Kazbek Borisovich, 1955 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in the village of Kornis.
65. Bjazrov Ludwig Hazbievich, 1970 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
66. Bogieva Lida, born 1982
67. Bolataeva Zemfira Aleksandrovna, 1941 D. О. В. Fatally wounded by shelling. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
68. Bolotaev Oleg Filippovich, 1957 D. О. В. Killed by a Georgian sniper during evaouation on Zarskaya road.
69. Bosikov Guram H. , 1953 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
70. Cahilov Asian Vladimirovich, 1960 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
71. Chandieva Valentina Sergeevna, 1976 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
72. Chekhoev Abesalom В., 1967 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
73. Chekhoev Vladimir Vardanovich, 1960 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
74. Chertkoev Inal Nikolaevich, 1957 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
75. Chibirov Vilen Valikoevich, 1975, D. О. В. Killed in the conflict. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
76. Chovrebov Alan Dmitrievich, 1987 D. О. В. Killed by a tank shot. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
77. Chovrebov Aleksey Viadimirovich, 1980 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
78. Chovrebov Asian Jurevich, 13. 01. 1985 D. О. В. Died during active
79. Chovrebov Guram Ivanovich, 1948 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
80. Chovrebov Hazbi Shalvovich, 1955 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
81. Chovrebov Sevastjan V. , 1937 D. О. В. Hit by shelling in Tbet village.
82. Chovrebov Vladimir Inalovich, 1956 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
83. Chovrebova Malvina Borisovna, 1960 D. О. В. Pregnant. Died of a Georgian shell explosion. Buried in a garden.
84. Chovrebova Valya, 1940 D. О. В. Car hit by artillery fire. Buried in the courtyard of his apartment block.
85. Cibirov Jemzar Rezoevich, 1967 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in Dmenis village.
86. Doguzov Guram Konstantinovich, 1945 D. О. В. Killed by a Georgian sniper during evacuation on Zarskaya road.
87. Doguzov Leonid Nikolaevich. Died during artillery strike on Satikar village.
88. Doguzova Lida Bagratovna, 1934 D. О. В. Died during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
89. Dryaev, Murad Khasanovich, born 1978
90. Dudaev Alan Andreevich, 1962 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in Dmenis village.
91. Dudaev Slavik Kazbekovich. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
92. Dudaeva Liana llyinichna, born August 14, 1970
93. Dudaeva Zhanna
94. Dzagoev Nodar Grigorevich, 1959 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
95. Dzahov Valery Borisovich, 1987 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper during the conflict. Buried in Tbet village.
96. Dzasohov Vladimir Dzandorovich, 1950 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
97. Dzebisov Vladimir llyich, 1950 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
98. Dzeranov Auzbi Zaharevich, 1940 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
99. Dzhabiev Albert Vasilevich, 1976 D. О. В. Killed in the conflict. Buried in Rustau village.
100. Dzhabiev Hamlet Georgievich, 1974 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
101. Dzhabiev Shaliko Gabaevich, 1957 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in the village of Kornis.
102. Dzhabiev Vladimir losifovich, 1953 D. О. В. Killed by a tank shot. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
103. Dzhabieva Zemfira Chermenovna, 1952 D. O. B. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
104. Dzhagaev Dzhumber Parmenovich, 1953 D. O. B. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
105. Dzhagaev Radik Guramovich, 1983 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in the viliage of Kornis.
106. Dzhagaev Anisim Archilovich, born 1938
107. Dzhagaeva Liza Sandroevna, 1945 D. О. В. Fatally wounded by shelling. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
108. Dzhagaeva Zema Ivanovna
109. Dzhatieva Zalina H., 1958 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
110. Dzhidzhoev Mitya Amiranovich, 1954 D. О. В. Killed when a car was shelled. Buried outside his house.
111. Dzhidzhoev Ahsar Soslanovich
112. Dzhigkaeva Inga Sergeevna, 1966 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
113. Dzhigkaeva Kristina Ruslanovna, 1997 D. О. В. Killed when tank shell exploded. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
114. Dzhigkaeva Lidija Vasilevna, 1947 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
115. Dzhioev Aleksey Sergeevich, 1950 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
116. Dzhioev AlmuratAleksandrovich, 1976 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
117. Dzhioev Azamat Gamatovich, 1993 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
118. Dzhioev Botaz Davidovich, 1952 D. О. В. Killed by a tank shot. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
119. Dzhioev Genady Muratovich, 1948 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
120. Dzhioev Gergiej Alekseevich, 1943 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
121. Dzhioev Gocha Georgievich, 1965 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Dmenis village.
22. Dzhioev Jelbrus Semenovich, 1973 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
123. Dzhioev Konstantin Zaurovich, 1954 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
124. Dzhioev Maharbek Chakoevich, 1946 D. О. В. Killed by a tank shot. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
125. Dzhioev Malhaz Aleksandrovich, 1960 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
126. Dzhioev Mitya, 45 y/o. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in Itrapis village.
127. Dzhioev Muhar Sergeevich, 1950 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
128. Dzhioev Navroz Muhtarovich, 1953 D. О. В. Hit by shelling in Tbet village. Place of burial unknown.
129. Dzhioev Radion Zurabovich, 1984 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
130. Dzhioev Renat Gergievich, 1980 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
131. Dzhioev Totyrbeg Ivanovich, 1964 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
132. Dzhioev Asian llyich, born December 20, 1941
133. Dzhioev Azamat Sokratovich, 1984
134. Dzhioev Marat Ahsarovich, born August 10, 1982
135. Dzhioeva Palina Sh., 1955 D. О. В. Killed in shelling of Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
136. Dzhioeva Asyat Kazbekovna, born 1934
137. Dzhioeva Nastya Grigorievna, born July 27, 1927
138. Dzhussoev Asian Mairovich, 15 y/o. Burned alive in car when Georgians covered it in petrol and set it alight. Buried in Nagutni.
139. Dzhussoev Mair Zaurovich, 1971 D. О. В. Burned alive in car when Georgians covered it in petrol and set it alight. Buried in Nagutni.
140. Dzhussoeva Dina, 14 y/o. Burned alive in car when Georgians covered it in petrol and set it alight. Buried in Nagutni.
141. Dzigoev Alan Zurabovich, 1974 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
142. Dzigoev Albert Shotaevich, 1982 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
143. Dzoloev Nodar Nikolaevich, 1965 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
144. Elbakieva Dina, 2005 D. О. В. Killed during shelling of the city. Buried in Tbet village.
145. Gabaraev Fedor Georgievich, 1951 D. О. В. Killed when a car was shelled. Buried outside his house.
146. Gabaraev Genady Matveevich, 1951 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
147. Gabaraev Georgy Sokratovich, 1954 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
148. Gabaraev Vladimir Dmitrievich, 1972 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
149. Gabaraev, Ruslan Mikhailovich
150. Gabaraeva Lyubov Georgievna, 1930 D. О. В. Car hit by artillery fire. Buried in the courtyard of his apartment block.
151. Gabuev Amzor Sosikoevich, 1940 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
152. Gabuev Givi Mihajlovich, 1929 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
153. Gagiev Alik Pavlovich, 1976 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
154. Gagiev Givi Grigorevich, 1942 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
155. Gagiev Valery Vladimirovich, 1978 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
156. Gagieva Zarema Gajozovna, 1961 D. О. В. Car hit by artillery fire. Buried in the courtyard of his apartment block.
157. Gagloev Azamat Tajmurazovich, 18 y/o. Burned in car after it was shelled by Georgian troops. Buried in a garden.
158. Gagloev Hamlet G. , 1972 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
159. Gagloev Jedik Nikolaevich, 1954 D. О. В. Car hit by Georgian tank in Tbet village. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
160. Gagloev Murat Vasilevich, 1936 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
161. Gagloev Tajmuraz Antonovich, 1952 D. О. В. Burned in car after it was shelled by Georgian troops Buried in a garden.
162. Gagloev Atsamas Sergeevich, born 1968
163. Gagloev Ruslan Ivanovich, born May 12, 1971
164. Gagloeva Fatima Gavrilovna, 1948 D. О. В. Fatally wounded by shelling. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
165. Gagloeva Larisa Valikoevna, 1974 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
166. Gagloeva Tsitsino Vladimirovna, born February 21, 1960
167. Gagloshvili Kote
168. Galavanov Oleg llyich, born 1976
169. Gasseev Genady Nikolaevich, 1961 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
170. Gasseev Vitaly Nikolaevich, 1963 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
171. Gassiev Barsag Zaharovich, 1985 D. О. В. Killed by a tank shot. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
172. Gazaev Ibragim Hazbievich, 1990 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
173. Gazaev Valery M., 1957 D. О. В. Died during artillery strike on Satikar village.
174. Gazaev Yury Konstantinovich, 1957 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
175. Gaziev Artur, military unit 98311
176. Gazzaev Genady Borisovich, 1982 D. О. В. Died during the conflict. Buried in a garden.
177. Gazzaev Vladik Albertovich, 1972 D. О. В. Killed in the conflict. Buried in a garden.
178. Gazzaev Inal Pavlovich, born December 6,1980
179. Gigolaev Boris Nestorovich, 1937 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
180. Gigolaev Vadim Georgievich, 1963 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
181. Gobozov Merab Georgievich, 1960 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
182. Goginov Robert Tengizovich, 1955 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
183. Gojaev Vitaly Vasilevich, 1990 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
184. Goyaev Vassily Shalvovich, born 1931
185. Gubaev Vladimir Georgievich, 1956 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
186. Gubiev Jakov, 1930 D. О. В. Killed by Georgian sniper fire. Burled in courtyard of apartment block.
187. Gucaev Valery Tasolovich, 1949 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
188. Gugkaev Alan Alanovich, 1977 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
189. Gussalov Nikolay Vladimirovich, 1964 D. О. В. Killed in the conflict. Buried in a garden.
190. Gussalov Vasily Karamanovich, 1959 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
191. Guzitaev Zviad Nikolaevich,1974 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
192. Guzzitaev Rafik Moiseevich, 1957 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
193. Guzzitaev Tamerlan Jasonovich, 1968 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
194. Habalov Batyrbeg Vasilevich, 1941 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
195. Habalov Givi Vasilevich, 1961 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
196. Habalov Tajmuraz Soltanovich, 1960 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in Itrapis village.
197. Habalova Liana Romanovna, 1964, D. О. В. Hit by shrapnel from artillery sheil. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
198. Hachirova Manana A. , 1955 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
199. Haradzishvili Angelina Dmitrievna, 1974 D. O. B. Killed during sheiiing of the city. Buried in Tbet village.
200. Harebaty Zaur Vladimirovich, 1956 D. О. В. Kiiled during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
201. Harebov Botaz Zaurovich, 1957 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
202. Harebov Dmitry Dmitrievich, 1952 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
203. Harebov Tamazi Georgievich, 1965 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
204. Hatdziev Suliko Utievich. Died in artillery strike on Dmenis village.
205. Hubaev Amiran Vardenovich, 1937 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
206. Hubaev Givi Davidovich, 1962 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Dmenis village.
207. Hubaev Murat Arsenovich, 1963 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
208. Hubaev Valik Mihajlovich, 1950 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
209. Hubezhov Aleksandr Dmitrievich, 1952 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
210. Hubezhov Tajmuraz Sh, 1959 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
211. Hugaev Sergey Sikoevich, 1940 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
212. Hugaev Vasily Ivanovich, 1954 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire in Hetagurovo village.
213. Ikaev Valery Vladimirovich, 1958 D. О. В. Killed by a Georgian sniper during evacuation on Zarskaya road.
214. Ikoev Aleksandr Borisovich, born 1947
215. Ikoev, Zaur Sergeevich, born February 15, 1932
216. Ikoeva Roza Viktorovna, 1936 D. О. В. Killed during shelling of the city. Buried in Tbet village.
217. Ikoty Zahar (Aleksandr) Borisovich, 1947 D. O. B. Killed when a car was shelled. Buried outside his house.
218. Kabisov Slavik Sardionovich, 1970 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
219. Kabisov Vasily Sosoevich, 1936 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
220. Kabisov Alan Aslanovich
221. Kabisov Irbek Dzhambulovich, born 1968
222. Kabisov Tamaz Andreevich, born 1978
223. Kabisova Jelza Zelimhanovna, 1966 D. О. В. Killed by shelling in Hetagurovo village.
224. Kabulov Acamaz Tajmurazovich, 1988 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
225. Kabulov Alan Albogovich, 1959 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
226. Kabulov Givi Ivanovich, 1953 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
227. Kabulov Koba
228. Kabulov Zaur Nikolaevich, bom 1928(9)
229. Kabulova Dusya Luarsabovna, 1927 D. О. В. Fatally wounded by shelling. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
230. Kachlaev Ruslan
231. Kachlaeva Zarina, 16 y/o. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
232. Kachlaeva Madina Tengizovna, born October 20, 1986
233. Kachmazov Igor Jurevich, 1963 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
234. Kachmazov Vadim L. , 1970 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire in Hetagurovo village.
235. Kachmazova Diana, 67 y/o. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
236. Kachmazova Zaira, 64 y/o. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
237. Kadzhaev Soslan Kavkazovich, 1978 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
238. Kadzhaev Tajmuraz Fedorovich, 1964 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
239. Kadzhaev Vadim Vasilevich, 1966 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
240. Kadzhaev Zelim Zaurovich, 1965 D. О. В. Killed by a tank shot. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
241. Kadzhaeva Jelina Kazbekovna, 1986 D. О. В. Wounded while the city was shelled. Buried alive in her house. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
242. Kadzhaeva Liana Sergeevna, 1960 D. О. В. Burned. Car was hit by a Georgian tank shell in Tbet village. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
243. Kadzhaeva Diana Sergeevna, born 1955
244. Karkusov Feliks V., 1940 D. О. В. Hit by shelling in Tbet village.
245. Karkusova Frosya Semenovna, born 1929
246. Kasaeva Zina Mushkelovna, born February 2, 1937
247. Kaziev Mamuka Dzhimsherovich, born 1969
248. Kelehsaev Murzaba V., 1944 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
249. Kelehsaev Roland Vissarionovich, 1960 D. O. B. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
250. Kelehsaev Zahar Sardionovich, 1940 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
251. Kelekhsaeva Tasya Sobaevna, 1924 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
252. Kisiev Ibragim Felikosvich. Killed by artillery fire in Hetagurovo village.
253. Kisieva Dunja Iraklievna, 1940 D. О. В. Killed in shelling of Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
254. Kochiev Acamaz Anatolevich, 1978 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
255. Kochiev Jedik Sergeevich, 1961 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
256. Kochiev Murat Davidovich, 1959 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
257. Kochiev Pavel Grigorevich, 1949 D. О. В. Killed by a Georgian sniper during evacuation on Zarskaya road.
258. Kochieva Madina Chermenovna, 1963 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
259. Kodalaev Guram llyich, 1952 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
260. Kokoev Dzhemal Revazovich, 1955 D. О. В. Killed when a car was shelled. Buried outside his house.
261. Kokoev Leva Jashaevich, 1951 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
262. Koroeva Lamzira Zaurovna, 1968 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
263. Kotaev Soslan Sadulovich, 1948 D. О. В. Killed by a tank shot. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
264. Kotolov Soltan llyich, 1953 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
265. Kozaev Abe, 55 y/o. Died when house was struck by artillery. Buried in a garden.
266. Kozaev Alan Pavlovich, 1967 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
267. Kozaev Jelbrus (Muharbeg) Rutenovich, 1957 D. О. В. Hit by air strike on Tbet village. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
268. Kozaev Lev Aleksandrovich, 1987 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
269. Kozaev Shota Nikolaevich, 1951 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
270. Kozaev Suliko A. , 1940 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in Itrapis village.
271. Kozaev Valery Ivanovich, 1965 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
272. Kozaev Valery Ivanovich, 1965 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
273. Kozaev Zelim Tutievich, 1975 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
274. Kozaeva Maria, 76 y/o. Burned in home during shelling. Buried in a garden.
275. Kuduhov Ramazi I. , 1982 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
276. Kuduhov Vsevolod llyich, 1947 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Dmenis village.
277. Kuluhov Soslan Andreevich, 1946 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
278. Kulumbegov Georgy Anatolevich, 1976 D. О. В. Killed in the conflict. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
279. Kulumbegov Hsar Grigorevich, 1945 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
280. Kulumbegov Radik Georgievich, 1966 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
281. Kumaritov Lev Hristoforovich, 1962 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
282. Kumaritov Valery Kuzmich, 1953 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
283. Kumaritova Madina A. , 1938 D. О. В. Fatally wounded by shelling. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
284. Kumaritova Tamara Tuganovna, 1923 D. О. В. Hit by shrapne! from artillery shell. Buried in Tbet village.
285. Lalieva Irina Borisovna, 1966 D. О. В. Fatally wounded by shelling. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
286. Lalieva Laida M. , 1979 D. О. В. Fatally wounded by shelling. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
287. Lalieva Valentina Sergeevna, 1940 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper during evacuation on Zarskaya road.
288. Loloev Otar Garsevanovich. Died in artillery strike on Dmenis village.
289. Loloev Slavik Sulikoevich, 1954 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
290. Magkoeva Aza Pavlovna, 1949 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
291. Maldzigov Gija Viadimirovich. Killed by artillery fire in Hetagurovo village.
292. Maldzigov Sevastia Stepanovich, 1965 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
293. Maldzigova Evgenija Nikolaevna, 1927 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
294. Mamiev Amiran Nikolaevich, 1941 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire in Hetagurovo village.
295. Melitoljan D., 1966 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
296. Muldarov Gajoz Grigorevich, 1972 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
297. Muldarov Zelim Efimovich, 1964 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
298. Nanieva Nina Ivanovna, 1956 D. О. В. Hit by shrapnel from artillery shell. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
299. Nartikoev David Borisovich, 1980 D. О. В. Died while guarding an entrance to the city. Buried in Djava.
300. Ostaev Shalva Jeduardovich, 1973 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
301. Ostaev Tauret S., 1957 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in Itrapis village.
302. Parastaev Aleksandr Aronovich, 1958 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
303. Parastaev Lev Pavlovich, 1949 D. О. В. Killed when a car was shelled. Buried outside his house.
304. Petoev Albert S., 1943 D. O. B. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
305. Petoeva Ruzana Mihajlovna, 1916 D. О. В. Killed by shelling in Hetagurovo village.
306. Pliev Aleksandr Sergeevich, 1960 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
307. Pliev Tamaz Sulikoevich, 1965 D. О. В. South Ossetian OMON police officer. Died during active duty. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
308. Puhaty Jedik Grigorevich, 1953 D. О. В. Killed when a car was shelled. Buried outside his house.
309. Sabanov David Grigorevich, 1947 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
310. Sabanov Hamlet D., 1975 D. О. В. Killed by a tank shot. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
311. Sabanov Hvicha Mihajlovich,1961 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
312. Sabanov Vasily Fedorovich, 1955 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
313. Sanakoev Jelbrus Kazbekovich, 1962 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
314. Sanakoev Petja Efimovich, 1940 D. О. В. Killed by a Georgian sniper during evacuation on Zarskaya road.
315. Sanakoev Vladimir Kubadievich, 1956 D. О. В. Killed when a car was shelled. Buried outside his house.
316. Sanakoeva Aza Aleksandrovna, 1948 D. О. В. Killed when house was shelled. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
317. Shanazarova Albina Chorshanbievna, 14 y/o. Shot by a Georgian sniper during evacuation on Zarskaya road.
318. Siukaev Anatolij A. , 1958 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
319. Tadtaev Dmitry Vjacheslavovich, 1983 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
320. Tadtaev Georgy Pavlovich, 1986, D. О. В. Killed when a tank shot his apartment building. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
321. Tadtaev Robert Sergeevich, 1963 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
322. Tadtaev Ruslan Zaurovich, 1960 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire in Hetagurovo village.
323. Tadtaev Sergey Lvovich, 1972 D. О. В. Burned in own car after it was shot by a Georgian tank. Buried on grounds of School No. 5.
324. Tasoev Botaz Georgievich, 1946 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
325. Tebloev Chermen Petrovich, 1951 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
326. Tedeev Abe, 35 y/o. Killed during the conflict. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
327. Tedeev Anatolij Tengizovich, 1960 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Tbet village.
328. Tedeev David Albertovich, 1988 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
329. Tedeev Ibragim Gazanovaich, 1965 D. О. В. Killed in the conflict. Buried in Tbet village.
330. Tedeev Pavel Ivanovich, 1951 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
331. Tedeev Tolik Ivanovich, 1953 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
332. Tedeev Valerian Т., 1972 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
333. Tedeev Vasily Muhtarovich, 1956 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
334. Tedeev Vladimir Romanovich, 1948 D. О. В. Killed by shrapnel from artillery fire. Buried in the village of Kornis.
335. Tedeev Volodja Matveevich, 1958 D. О. В. Hit by air strike on Tbet village. Buried in Jerco village.
336. Tedeeva Tamara Borisovna, 1947 D. О. В. Car hit by artillery fire. Buried in the courtyard of his apartment block.
337. Tekhov Muharbeg Jakovlevich, 1977 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
338. Tekhov Vladimir Alekseevich, 1975 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
339. Tibilov Inal Revazovich, 1940 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
340. Tibilov Ivan Muratovich, 1941 D. О. В. Died during shelling of the city. Place of burial unknown.
341. Tibilov Murat Ivanovich, 1959 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
342. Tibilov Vitaly Dzhumberovich, 1987 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
343. Tibilova Zalina Nikolaevna, 1956 D. О. В. Burned. Car was hit by a Georgian tank shell in Tbet village. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
344. Tigiev Jeduard Kazbekovich, 1958 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
345. Tuaev Alan llyich, 1965 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
346. Tuaev Radion Vasilevich, 1987 D. О. В. Killed by air strike. Buried in Zguderskoe cemetery.
347. Tuaev Vasily Sergeevich, 1964 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
348. Valiev Aleksandr A. , 1946 D. О. В. Killed by a Georgian sniper during evacuation on Zarskaya road.
349. Valiev Luarsab Garitaevich, 1954 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
350. Valiev Mihail Kuzmich, 1958 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Buried in courtyard of apartment block.
351. Valiev Ruslan Vladimirovich, 1955 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
352. Valiev Valery Pavlovich, 1961 D. О. В. Killed by a BM-21 Grad rocket. Buried in Vladikavkaz.
353. Valiev Yury Vladimirovich, 1956 D. О. В. Killed by artillery fire on Zarskaya road. Place of burial unknown.
354. Valiev Miroslav Vladimirovich, born August 16, 1961
355. Valieva Madina Dzamboiatovna, 01. 01.1988 D. О. В. Died from Georgian sniper bullet. Body had been hidden. Found by 'Vostok' Battalion troops. Buried in Djava.
356. Valieva Irma Timurovna
357. Valieva Regina Tembolovna, born 1988
358. Vaneev Vassily Dmitrievich, born May 6, 1936
359. Vazagov Gajoz Davidovich, 1942 D. О. В. Shot by a Georgian sniper. Buried in Dmenis village.
360. Yelbakieva Nastya, born 1928
361. Zasokhova Maria Razhdenovna
362. Zasseev Anatoli] Filippovich, 1948 D. О. В. Hit by shelling in Tbet village. Place of burial unknown.
363. Zasseev Ruslan Grigorevich, 1956 D. О. В. Killed during the conflict. Place of burial unknown.
364. Zasseeva Lyubov Savelievna, born 1930
The aggressor was stopped
Ossetians were burnt afive in their houses after direct hits of Georgian Grad
Paintings of Ossetian artists - targets for the Georgian vandals
Residents of Tskhinval are leaving the city escaping from the Georgian aggression
Rockets Grad efficient tools of the Georgian-style democracy
Ruins of living quarters - the result of Georgian bombing
Running from the impending death 34000 civilians left South Ossetia
Russian EMERCOM deployed about ten tent camps for Ossetian refugees at the border with South Ossetia
Russian rescuers perceived the tragedy of the Ossetian people like their own
Several hundred families lost their only breadwinner
Somebody lived here
Surgeons worked round the clock to save the lives of wounded residents of Tskhinval
The aggressor tanks intentionally fired at civil houses
The aggressor was stopped
The barbarous shelling destroyed houses of several hundred civilians in Tskhinval
The destroyed school is a present of Saakashvili to children of Tskhinval for a new school year
The distress came to every Ossetian home
The entire city full of civilians was under artillery fire
The Georgian aggression - the scorched earth tactics
The Georgian aggressors destroyed everything that they failed to take away
The Georgian soldiery in cold blood shot dead Ossetian civilians who were seeking shelter from the rocket and artillery fire
The Georgian-style fascism - fighting against the memory of the dead
The house of the OSCE Mission Georgian gratitude for the silent neutrality
The husband has been killed the home - destroyed What next
The interference of Russia has prevented a large-scale humanitarian catastrophe in South Ossetia
The lights in remembrance of several thousand victims of the Georgian aggression
The Ossetian family is mourning for its member killed by the Georgian aggressors
The Ossetian village of Khetagurovo only several dozens of 600 residents survived; the village of Tbet only five people of 150 residents survived
The peaceful city faced the main strike of Georgian Grabs and large-caliber guns
The Red Cross on the ambulance did not stop Georgian snipers
The result of Georgian military operation Clean Field is about two thousand killed and several thousand wounded Ossetian people
The ruins of Tskhinval
The Russian peacekeeping contingent HQ was a main target of the Georgian aggressors
The street of childhood turned into shambles by Georgians
They cannot be cailed even the fascists We need a new word It is worse than the fascism
This house is unrepairable as many other houses in Tskhinval
This magnificent concert of the world-famous Mariinsky Theater helped Ossetian children for a short time to forget about the terror and tragedy of the recent days
To You - South Ossetia a concert-requiem played by the Mariinsky Theater conducted by Vaiery Gergiev
Valery Gergiev about the Georgian aggression No one news agency of the world reported that thousands of people were burnt alive in the sleeping city
We spent three days in our basement and had no chance to bring some water
Well-armed and trained by the West, the Georgian Army failed to gain the objectives of operation Clean Field
What has happened here is an insult to the humanity, insult to the human rights
Georgian operation "Clean Field"
Georgian operation "Clean Field" - is not but the genocide against the Ossetians
On the night of August 7-8, 2008, the criminal regime of M.Saakashvili in defiance of the international law unleashed the aggression against the people of South Ossetia.
In the first minutes of the invasion, the Georgian troops delivered a rain of rockets and shells on the sleeping capital of the Republic, the city of Tskhinval. Civilian residents of the city and practically unarmed Russian peacekeepers got under fire of multiple rocket launch systems Grad, large-caliber howitzers and tanks. At the sunrise, Georgian attack aircraft joined the pre¬planned killing of the Ossetian people and Russian soldiers. They dropped internationally banned cluster bombs on the Ossetian towns and villages. It was the beginning of the third genocide against the Ossetian people in the history of "independent Georgia".
In the morning of August 8, when peaceful Tskhinval was already in ruins, assault detachments of the Georgian troops supported by tanks and artillery systems entered the city. The amok soldiery flushed with the smell of blood and success of the first hours killed everybody on the way. Georgian threw hand grenades into basements of the houses where old men, women and children tried to seek shelter. They fired over the sights from tanks and grenade-launchers at windows of residential buildings, hospitals and schools;
they smashed and rolled in the dust and dirt of Tskhinval streets the monuments to the victims of 1992 genocide by the tracks of their heavy combat vehicles...
The bloody massacre began also in Ossetian villages and checkpoints of the Russian peacekeepers. In the first hours of the aggression, ten residential settlements of South Ossetia were wiped off from the face of the earth. In Ossetian villages Georgian tankmen just for fun crashed women and children with tracks of their vehicles. "Elite" Georgian commandoes copying "the deeds" of fascist SS troops burnt the Ossetian people alive in their houses and sheds, and so-called Georgian "peacekeepers" killed wounded Russian soldiers forgetting about the honor and dignity.
Dozens of thousands of refugees tried to escape from South Ossetia under bombardment and shelling. The way to the life-saving Roki Tunnel became a real road of death for them. Getting the range to the only road running towards the Russian border, Georgian guns accurately fired at convoys of refugees. Georgians had no mercy upon anybody, in cold blood they fired at civil buses, ambulances and private cars and trucks.
But Tskhinval resisted... In a basement of the city hospital Ossetian surgeons in incredible conditions saved lives of wounded people. Outmanned and outgunned the Russian peacekeepers surrounded in
the outskirts of the city fought on bravery to repel the attacks of the aggressor. Without electricity, water and food under the massed intense fire the peaceful people continued their unequal fight. Face to face with the ruthless and guileful enemy they have held out and defended their right to freedom and independence.
What a high price of this victory! The Georgian gamble cost the lives of two thousand Ossetians and 74 Russian peacekeepers, several hundred people were wounded, more than 40,000 became refugees. Once the flourishing city of Tskhinval has been destroyed to smash, Ossetian villages have been ruined... These crimes of the Georgian soldiery and its Fuhrer are not forgettable and forgivable.
But the life goes on. The unbowed Ossetian people will overcome this hard time, restore the country, recover from the effects of the war, and children again will go to school. The music of D.Shostakovich and P.Chaikovski played on the ruins of Tskhinval by maestro Vatery Gergiev and Orchestra of the Mariinksy Theater became a bright symbol of the Ossetian revival and tragic monument to the killed.
This photo album is devoted to the heroic fights of the Ossetian people against the Georgian aggressor, memory of the fallen for the freedom of their Motherland, and act of bravery of the Russian peace¬keepers who have done fully their military duty.
We express gratitude to all residents of Tskhnval, Russian and foreign journalists who responded to our request and provided the documents on genocide against the Ossetian people, and war crimes of the Georgian regime.
Association of Independent Journalists of the Caucasus In Behalf of Victims of Genocide

A children picture book - that all they have managed to take from their destroyed house

A Georgian sniper shot at independent journalists in cold blood

A Georgian tank has broken the fence to enter the cemetery and intentionally crushed the monuments to genocide of 1991-1992

A majority of Ossetian refugees have no homes to return to

A removed OSCE plate an effort of the Georgian soldiery to hide the vestigial traces of their crime

A tragedy of Tskhinval - without a shelter late in life

A Tskhinval book-store - also a target to destroy

After the hospital was shelled by Georgian tanks, Ossetian surgeons had to evacuate badly wounded people to shelters

Ambulance teams exposed to the direst saved the lives of Ossetian civilians

Ambulances became full of wounded people within minutes

American citizen and resident of South Ossetia Joe Mestas The war is when military fight against military. But the Georgian army is killing innocent civilians. This is genocide

Another destroyed school

As a guarantor of peace and stability in the zone of Georgian-Ossetian conflict Russia has terminated the genocide against the Ossetian people

Besides physical annihilation of the Ossetian people, the Georgian aggressors pursued the aim to destroy the city of Tskhinval as much as possible

By this car a father tried to evacuate his family. But his lite and lives of his children were cut off by a shell fired from a Georgian tank

Charred bones of a peaceful Ossetian family

Distribution of humanitarian aid to sufferers of Tskhinvai

Eduard Kokoity, President of South Ossetia The heavy losses suffered by the Republic in the days of armed confrontation are irrecoverable for the small Ossetian ethnic community

Eyewitnesses confirm that Georgian soldiers finished off wounded Russian peacekeepers in cold blood

Georgian aggressors had no mercy even on old men

Georgian Grad rockets smashed whole residential quarters in Tskhinval

Georgian leader M. Saakashvili claimed a few hours prior to the aggression that he respects the Ossetian people and wants to keep the peace, and promised to refrain from the war

Georgian military aircraft have mounted a bombing strike on civilians houses, and then the village was entered by soldiers who shot up old people women and children

Georgian tanks firing over the sights at residential building windows

Georgians entered surprisingly and immediately started firing. Five tanks made several drives across the village. They shot directly at our houses The tanks were followed by infantry men

Georgians knew the city well enough, they understood well that they are shooting at a residential quarter

Georgians named their military operation aimed at annihilation of the Ossetian people


Heavy shelling of Tskhinval from all types of large-caliber weapons started on the night of August 7-8, 2008 when residents were peacefully asleep in their houses

Hundreds of houses have been destroyed in Tskhinval and many villages the aggressors wiped them off from the face of the earth to remove even minor traces of Ossetians in this land

In the first hours of shelling residential quarters hospitals and schools became prime targets

It s a strange manner to make Ossetians to rejoin Georgia by dropping hundreds of the Grad rockets on their heads

It was incredible shelling. Nobody knew where to evacuate wounded people because the hospital was under fire too

Lasting values help the Ossetian people to regain belief in the future - the concert of the Mariinsky Theater in Tskhinval

Many refugees received grave news that their family members and dear ones are dead already after they reached North Ossetia

Mikhaii Saakashvili employed the scorched earth tactics in South Ossetia

Old men and children spent several days in deadly terror without water and food in basements of destroyed buildings

Ossetian militia men bravely defended their right to life and freedom
On the night of August 7-8, 2008, the criminal regime of M.Saakashvili in defiance of the international law unleashed the aggression against the people of South Ossetia.
In the first minutes of the invasion, the Georgian troops delivered a rain of rockets and shells on the sleeping capital of the Republic, the city of Tskhinval. Civilian residents of the city and practically unarmed Russian peacekeepers got under fire of multiple rocket launch systems Grad, large-caliber howitzers and tanks. At the sunrise, Georgian attack aircraft joined the pre¬planned killing of the Ossetian people and Russian soldiers. They dropped internationally banned cluster bombs on the Ossetian towns and villages. It was the beginning of the third genocide against the Ossetian people in the history of "independent Georgia".
In the morning of August 8, when peaceful Tskhinval was already in ruins, assault detachments of the Georgian troops supported by tanks and artillery systems entered the city. The amok soldiery flushed with the smell of blood and success of the first hours killed everybody on the way. Georgian threw hand grenades into basements of the houses where old men, women and children tried to seek shelter. They fired over the sights from tanks and grenade-launchers at windows of residential buildings, hospitals and schools;
they smashed and rolled in the dust and dirt of Tskhinval streets the monuments to the victims of 1992 genocide by the tracks of their heavy combat vehicles...
The bloody massacre began also in Ossetian villages and checkpoints of the Russian peacekeepers. In the first hours of the aggression, ten residential settlements of South Ossetia were wiped off from the face of the earth. In Ossetian villages Georgian tankmen just for fun crashed women and children with tracks of their vehicles. "Elite" Georgian commandoes copying "the deeds" of fascist SS troops burnt the Ossetian people alive in their houses and sheds, and so-called Georgian "peacekeepers" killed wounded Russian soldiers forgetting about the honor and dignity.
Dozens of thousands of refugees tried to escape from South Ossetia under bombardment and shelling. The way to the life-saving Roki Tunnel became a real road of death for them. Getting the range to the only road running towards the Russian border, Georgian guns accurately fired at convoys of refugees. Georgians had no mercy upon anybody, in cold blood they fired at civil buses, ambulances and private cars and trucks.
But Tskhinval resisted... In a basement of the city hospital Ossetian surgeons in incredible conditions saved lives of wounded people. Outmanned and outgunned the Russian peacekeepers surrounded in
the outskirts of the city fought on bravery to repel the attacks of the aggressor. Without electricity, water and food under the massed intense fire the peaceful people continued their unequal fight. Face to face with the ruthless and guileful enemy they have held out and defended their right to freedom and independence.
What a high price of this victory! The Georgian gamble cost the lives of two thousand Ossetians and 74 Russian peacekeepers, several hundred people were wounded, more than 40,000 became refugees. Once the flourishing city of Tskhinval has been destroyed to smash, Ossetian villages have been ruined... These crimes of the Georgian soldiery and its Fuhrer are not forgettable and forgivable.
But the life goes on. The unbowed Ossetian people will overcome this hard time, restore the country, recover from the effects of the war, and children again will go to school. The music of D.Shostakovich and P.Chaikovski played on the ruins of Tskhinval by maestro Vatery Gergiev and Orchestra of the Mariinksy Theater became a bright symbol of the Ossetian revival and tragic monument to the killed.
This photo album is devoted to the heroic fights of the Ossetian people against the Georgian aggressor, memory of the fallen for the freedom of their Motherland, and act of bravery of the Russian peace¬keepers who have done fully their military duty.
We express gratitude to all residents of Tskhnval, Russian and foreign journalists who responded to our request and provided the documents on genocide against the Ossetian people, and war crimes of the Georgian regime.
Association of Independent Journalists of the Caucasus In Behalf of Victims of Genocide
A children picture book - that all they have managed to take from their destroyed house
A Georgian sniper shot at independent journalists in cold blood
A Georgian tank has broken the fence to enter the cemetery and intentionally crushed the monuments to genocide of 1991-1992
A majority of Ossetian refugees have no homes to return to
A removed OSCE plate an effort of the Georgian soldiery to hide the vestigial traces of their crime
A tragedy of Tskhinval - without a shelter late in life
A Tskhinval book-store - also a target to destroy
After the hospital was shelled by Georgian tanks, Ossetian surgeons had to evacuate badly wounded people to shelters
Ambulance teams exposed to the direst saved the lives of Ossetian civilians
Ambulances became full of wounded people within minutes
American citizen and resident of South Ossetia Joe Mestas The war is when military fight against military. But the Georgian army is killing innocent civilians. This is genocide
Another destroyed school
As a guarantor of peace and stability in the zone of Georgian-Ossetian conflict Russia has terminated the genocide against the Ossetian people
Besides physical annihilation of the Ossetian people, the Georgian aggressors pursued the aim to destroy the city of Tskhinval as much as possible
By this car a father tried to evacuate his family. But his lite and lives of his children were cut off by a shell fired from a Georgian tank
Charred bones of a peaceful Ossetian family
Distribution of humanitarian aid to sufferers of Tskhinvai
Eduard Kokoity, President of South Ossetia The heavy losses suffered by the Republic in the days of armed confrontation are irrecoverable for the small Ossetian ethnic community
Eyewitnesses confirm that Georgian soldiers finished off wounded Russian peacekeepers in cold blood
Georgian aggressors had no mercy even on old men
Georgian Grad rockets smashed whole residential quarters in Tskhinval
Georgian leader M. Saakashvili claimed a few hours prior to the aggression that he respects the Ossetian people and wants to keep the peace, and promised to refrain from the war
Georgian military aircraft have mounted a bombing strike on civilians houses, and then the village was entered by soldiers who shot up old people women and children
Georgian tanks firing over the sights at residential building windows
Georgians entered surprisingly and immediately started firing. Five tanks made several drives across the village. They shot directly at our houses The tanks were followed by infantry men
Georgians knew the city well enough, they understood well that they are shooting at a residential quarter
Georgians named their military operation aimed at annihilation of the Ossetian people
Heavy shelling of Tskhinval from all types of large-caliber weapons started on the night of August 7-8, 2008 when residents were peacefully asleep in their houses
Hundreds of houses have been destroyed in Tskhinval and many villages the aggressors wiped them off from the face of the earth to remove even minor traces of Ossetians in this land
In the first hours of shelling residential quarters hospitals and schools became prime targets
It s a strange manner to make Ossetians to rejoin Georgia by dropping hundreds of the Grad rockets on their heads
It was incredible shelling. Nobody knew where to evacuate wounded people because the hospital was under fire too
Lasting values help the Ossetian people to regain belief in the future - the concert of the Mariinsky Theater in Tskhinval
Many refugees received grave news that their family members and dear ones are dead already after they reached North Ossetia
Mikhaii Saakashvili employed the scorched earth tactics in South Ossetia
Old men and children spent several days in deadly terror without water and food in basements of destroyed buildings
Ossetian militia men bravely defended their right to life and freedom
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